
Like the video says, this paper is going to be me analyzing the roles of light and darkness in various films, and an in-class text. I kept this topic vague on purpose, because there is so much to cover relating to this idea. For the purposes of this paper, the definitions of light and darkness will include the actual lighting of a scene, the incorporations of color (the tone and the shade), and the metaphorical concept of light and darkness. All of these ideas will be viewed through the lense of light being representative of good, and darkness being representative of evil, because that is the dynamic/trope that is most commonly used in art and media. To be even more specific, I will direct my focus toward movies (and the text) that might not necessarily buy into that trope. The paper itself is specifically focused on Tim Burton films, and the methods he uses to utilize, manipulate, or subvert the trope, and the blog posts will focus on other, non-Burton media that do this as well.

Read the paper here.


  1. I like how your color theme matches your topic! it also makes it a little scary lol


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